What Should One Know Before Having A Maltipoo Breed Dog As A Pet?

Maltipoos cross between a Maltese and a Poodle with varied coat colours. They are wonderful family pets, but before you find yourself wanting to buy one of them, there are some things that you should know. Here are those illustrated in brief.

1.      Proper grooming:

Maltipoos require lots of grooming because their coats tend to be coarse and heavy with hair. This can make it difficult for people without the time to maintain suchdogs regularly. If you're not able to spend time at home grooming the dog yourself, this might not end well for your Maltipoo or your house.

2.      Potential health problems:

Maltipoos tend to have more health problems than the other crossbreeds. This is because their short legs are prone to hip and knee injuries, leading to osteoarthritis later. Since they have a delicate frame, Mini Golden Doodles Westchester County Ny can also be prone to back problems. To ensure that your pet doesn't develop any health issues in the future, you should feed it properly and give it lots of walks that will help exercise its legs and strengthen them steadily.

3.      Housebreaking:

Because of the Maltese blood running through its veins, Maltipoos tend to be difficult when it comes to housebreaking. It is said that most of them have a hard time getting used to the litter box, and they end up using your floors. This makes them unsuitable for people with a strict no-pets policy in their apartments or homes.

4.      Potential training issues:

Maltipoos are intelligent dogs, but they have difficulty getting used to training. They do not respond well to harsh training methods and are best guided by positive reinforcement only.

5.      Noise level:

Maltipoos tend to be noisy dogs, with barking being one of their main noises. This has been said to be due mainly because of the Maltese blood running through their veins, making them naturally loud, just like any other breeds from the same origin. If you are not a fan of barking dogs, this might not be the breed for you, especially if you're living in an apartment.

6.      Potential friendliness:

Maltipoos can prove to be quite active and friendly with people they know and trust, but they are generally not very social when meeting new people. The Maltese blood running through their veins might be the reason behind this.

7.      Popularity:

Although maltipoos have a small pool of breeders and owners worldwide, this does not make them any less popular than some other crossbreeds. Maltipoos are considered more popular than other similar breeds for various reasons.


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